Triple I

Artificial intelligence STARTUP IDEA

Idea Description

With the rapid development in the various industrial sectors that are involved in human uses, it is necessary to pay attention to the extent of their impact on human health, for example in the food industry sector there are some industrial materials used in some foods that may be a cause of cancer, and also There are some preservatives and industrial colorings used in foods that greatly affect children with hyperactivity or autism, or even normal children who do not suffer from any disease, but affect the health of their brains and concentration. Also, do not forget the industries in the field of personal care. For example, there are some personal care products that may cause allergies to some people, and many other substances.
From this standpoint, the idea of this application came to provide information that contributes to preserving human health and reducing the harm of materials used in various industries, and it is also possible to expand it to include information in wider ranges.

The application mechanism is for the consumer to open the application and pass the mobile phone camera on the components of the product to be purchased, and a direct message will appear to him whether the use of this product is safe or not based on several data, which contributes to creating an innovative and creative experience for the consumer.

Market size and scalability /
The application can be used anywhere and in any language.

Business model and return on investment /
The application will be free for everyone, and the return on investment will be initially through some advertisements on the platform based on the user database. And after the number of application users exceeds, for example, three million users, a small fee will be imposed on the annual subscription to use the application, and these fees will be imposed in an innovative and creative way.

The technology that will be used in this application is artificial intelligence technology

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

How we can reduce the side effects of industrial materials in humans health

Benefits of Idea Implementation

Save a human life

Team Members

Team Member


ayman Al Masharfi


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